
Veronica Figueroa artwork ceramic sculpture
Title: 鈥 Braid鈥, Medium: Clay, Dimensions: 3ft by 2ft
Veronica Figueroa ceramic sculpture 2
Title: 鈥淭he Journey鈥, Medium: Clay, Dimensions: 2ft. 4in. by 1ft.
Veronica Figueroa Gallery View Ceramic Sculpture
Title: 鈥淩ising Woman鈥, Medium: Clay, Dimensions: 2ft by 6in.
Veronica Figueroa Sculpture
Title: 鈥淔low鈥, Medium: Clay, Dimensions: 3ft by 2ft


Artist Information and Statement

Veronica Figueroa,

BFA Candidate

Hello, my name is Veronica Figueroa, I preferably work with clay for its delicacy, suppleness, and flexibility. I believe clay is a powerful medium and an intentional role in the way I utilize the clay in building my sculptures. I appreciate the elements of life, and I appreciate the elements of building with clay. In the same manner as in the elements of life, the process of building with clay is water, air, dirt and fire. I've learned to respect clay for the different steps it takes to make a full work of art. Clay allows flexibility to shape and mold sculptures into desired works of art.

My art is representational of the conflicts experienced within my own identity, as a female artist tangled between two cultures: Puerto Rican and Indian. The conflicting social expectations I鈥檝e encountered in both these cultures (and their common religions), has pushed me to create works of art that seek to explore established norms and express what I find troublesome. I take issue with the sexualization of women鈥檚 hair and how it is seen as taboo, specifically when a woman might make a bold move such as shaving all her hair off. My art strives to highlight limits and boundaries in an attempt to give freedom and voice to others. As a biracial woman and artist, I seek to bring acceptance, unity, liberation and strength to women like me, who have risked taking bold moves against their cultures and religions to express who they are or strive to be.

The common ground between my cultures, my values and my ethic background play a huge factor in the woman that I am today. My intention is to break boundaries for myself as a biracial female artist within my society and cultures.