BFA Exhibition

Boy With Beets
Boy With Beets, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:36"x40"
Boy With Watermelon
Boy With Watermelon, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:36"x40"
Boy With Pumpkin
Boy With Pumpkin, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:24"x36"
Boy With Vegetables
Boy With Vegetables, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:36"x48"
Girl With Pumpkin
Girl With Pumpkin, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:24"x36"
Girl With Watermelon
Girl With Watermelon, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:40"x30"
Kids with Carrots
Kids With Carrots, Medium: Oil Painting, Dimensions:36"x48"


Artist Information and Statement

Calvin Palmer, 

BFA Candidate
