Amor for Venezuela

Amor For Venezuela Box
Amor For Venezuela Box, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Brand Board
Amor For Venezuela Brand Board, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Bus Wrap
Amor For Venezuela Bus Wrap, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Graffiti Mockup
Amor For Venezuela Graffiti Mockup, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Kids Mask
Amor For Venezuela Kids Mask, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Poster
Amor For Venezuela Poster, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Puzzle
Amor For Venezuela Puzzle, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)
Amor For Venezuela Shirt
Amor For Venezuela, Medium: Graphic Design ( Digital Work)
Website Presentation
Amor For Venezuela Website Presentation, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)


Amor For Venezuela Website Stories
Amor For Venezuela Website Stories, Medium: Graphic Design (Digital Work)

Artist Information and Statement 

Brittany Roberts,

BFA Candidate

Currently, millions of Venezolanos are suffering from one of the worst humanitarian crises in Northern South America. The Venezuelan government has become more and more corrupted over the years, causing economic hyperinflation. As the costs of food products are on the rise, Venezuelans continue to fall into starvation and poverty. According to Save the Children Fund, 鈥淚n Venezuela, 16 out of 100 children die of malnutrition before their 5th birthday.鈥 Likewise, a group of researchers in the country conducted a survey in which they learned 61.2% of Venezuelans go to sleep with an empty stomach, according to El Pa铆s News. This is alarming, considering that Venezuela has the largest oil reserve in the world. It is sad to see such a beautiful country with many resources and riches become ruined due to political injustice.

Amor for Venezuela is a (so far fictitious) Non-Profit organization founded by Brittany Roberts, a passionate and committed Graphic Designer in partnership with UNICEF. 鈥淢y childhood years were lived in Venezuela; I consider her my adoptive country.鈥 The social crisis in Venezuela inspires our organization to provide a better quality of life to those in need. The organization is also concerned with the voice of the people, so we created a platform to help shed light on the lives of children in Venezuela with unique stories of their everyday lives. Amor for Venezuela invited you to check out our online shop for an array of products including apparel, face masks, posters, puzzles, and more. All profits from purchases at our online shops will be donated to the children of Venezuela. Help us bring goodness to Venezuela through