Faculty & Staff Directory

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Eliyphaz Rivers

Department of Public Safety
R114 201-200-3128

Thomas Rizzo

Professional Security Studies
P-449 201-200-3353

Andrea Robertson

Criminal Justice
P-220 201-200-3492

Paul Robertson

Arts and Sciences
K 605 201-200-2178

Gail Robinson

Educational Leadership
R-536 201-200-3521

Jordan Robinson

ATH FITNES 201-200-3317

Mary Robinson

P-303 201-200-3353

Renee Robinson

Department of Public Safety
R114 201-200-3128

Marie Robiolio

A. Harry Moore School
AHM203A 201-200-3172

Ryan Roche

Counselor Education
R536 201-200-3400
A-120 201-200-3214

Venida Rodman-Jenkins

Speicher-Rubin Women's Center
GSU 301 201-200-3189

Christian Rodriguez

Counseling Center
GSU 308 201-200-3165

Hely Rodriguez

A. Harry Moore School
AHM203A 201-200-3138

Joe Rodriguez

Department of Public Safety
R114 201-200-3128

Jomayra Rodriguez

Literacy Education
P-345 201-200-3521

Nelson Rodriguez

AVP of Student Affairs
H 303 201-200-3525

Richard Rodriguez

G-327 201-200-3195

Valerie Rodriguez

Grants Office
S 330 201-200-3364

Lydia Rodriguez-Carter

Financial Aid
H-212 201-200-3173