
Nursing student with iPad and defibrillator in lab

The iNurse Initiative helps to keep students engaged with their learning. In an ever-changing world, it keeps nursing education current and relevant to today鈥檚 healthcare environment where the use of technology is pervasive. Through programs such as the iNurse Initiative, NJCU strives to be the nursing school of the future. We see our focus as teaching with technology鈥攏ot on the technology itself鈥攁s the nursing profession is high touch as well as high tech.

Examples of implementing the iNurse Initiative vision include:

  • Using an iPad-based defibrillator simulator in the nursing lab
  • Apple TVs available to students throughout the Nursing Education Center and classrooms for collaborative study and project work
  • Using iBeacon for orientation in healthcare clinical site
  • Using iMac mounted on mobile carts for access to web-based simulated electronic health record.
  • Some apps commonly used by students and faculty include: Keynote, Word Cloud, Kahoot!, Insight Heart, Auris stethoscope, Heartpedia, Aira Vision sim, REALITi, Engage, Comic Life, and reference material on Skyscape to facilitate understanding and learning.
  • As technology evolves, we are committed to evaluating these advances for possible implementation as part of the NJCU iNurse Initiative.