View Your Results

How Do I View My Test Results?

Step 1: After signing into GothicNet, select 'My Academics' tab.

Step 2: Go to the ' Student Enrollment Center' section, and then click on ' Get Advisement' - located on the right side. (See red arrow in graphic below.)

gothicnet screenshot

Step 3: Click on 'View My Test Results'

gothicnet screenshot


Step 4: Below are your test results. The following is a description of the fields available:

  • Test ID - This is a short description of the test.
  • Description - This gives a detailed description of the name of the test.
  • Component Description - This gives a breakdown of the different parts of the test that has been taken.
  • Test Date - The date in which the test was taken.
  • Test Score - The numerical score of the test.
  • Percentile - The percentile ranking that the score equivalents to (if applicable).
  • Letter Score - The letter score of the test (if applicable).


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Step 5: Remember to sign out of GothicNet when you are finished.