NJCU Blog Network

Photo of Hepburn Daffodil Student Walking

NJCU Blog Network

The NJCU Blog Network is comprised of the writings of NJCU faculty, alumni, and students whose knowledge, expertise and unique perspectives provide the community and beyond with rich and diverse insights and perspectives on a range of topics.



A crowd stands watch at the US Capitol building on Innaguration day in 2017.

Above and Beyond

Oct 19, 2017
NJCU Magazine
Above and Beyond, Summer 2017 Issue:

In the dawning days of 2017, students Phil Cranwell '17, Will Ospina ’19, and Richard Pastrana ’16, ’17 M.S., journeyed to Washington, D.C. to witness the peaceful transition of power.
Sue Henderson, Ph.D. smiling as she speaks with students.

The Civically Engaged Student Solution

Oct 19, 2017
NJCU Magazine
Insight, Summer 2017 Issue:

According to the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA), outmigration is a growing problem in New Jersey.