Alumni and Students Connect at The Washington Center

January 12, 2018
Undergraduate students attending a two-week seminar in Washington, D.C. recently got a chance to network with area alumni during a meet-and-greet reception held at the facility.

Undergraduate students attending a two-week seminar in Washington, D.C. recently got a chance to network with area alumni during a meet-and-greet reception held at the facility.

The gathering, which took place at The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, gave the eight students an opportunity to interact with alumni who have built successful careers based on their education at NJCU.

The January 2-14 seminar, Inside Washington 2018, enabled participants to explore events and issues currently shaping the country’s political and social landscape, while gaining access to the various perspectives of media experts, political players, and national influencers.

NJCU Political Science Professor Dr. Louise Stanton participated as a faculty member throughout the seminar.


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